90 Days are all you need to get a web developer job

90 Days are all you need to get a web developer job

A step by step guide to escape tutorial hell
6 min read
Apr 17, 2022 4:00 PM (3 years ago)

This guide is your step-by-step plan to getting real at learning web development and getting a real job in 3 monthes.

# Roadmap

# Hold yourself accountable

Share and document your progress anywhere, on facebook, twitter or your blog using #90DaysChallenge.

Hold yourself accountable that'll work for 12 hours a day for 90 days!!

# Step 1: Do these things consistently

If you're serious let's start with the less relative things yet effective:

  • 🛌 Sleep at least 7 hours a day and wake up early typically 6 AM everyday.
  • 🥤 Drink a lot of water. Your brain is swimming in water and needs a lot of it to function properly.
  • 🍎 Have natural sugars like fruits.
  • 🤸‍♂️ Do some light exercises in the morning.
  • 🔥 Most importantly you have to work at least 12 hours a day for 90 days and take Fridays off.

# Step 2: Learn the absolute basics

Before diving into HTML/CSS/JS and such you should learn the absolute basics first:

# Days 1 - 2 : Web Concepts

Tip: Don't just watch 45 mins videos, instad read some blog posts and grasp the general concepts.

  • 🌐 What is web?
  • 🖱️ What is a HTTP request?
  • ✅ What is HTTP methods and headers?
  • ✅ How the browser works?
  • 🧱 What is HTML and how it works?

# Days 3 - 5: HTML Basics

  • 🧱 Learn HTML basics including. (what is the difference between form id and class).
  • 🧱 Why some HTML elements doesn't have closing tag?
  • 🌳 Basics of HTML DOM tree. (Important!)

# Apply

🏗️ Build simple HTML page include all of what you have learned in it.

# Days 6 - 10: CSS Basics

  • ✅ Learn VS Code basics. A basic crash course will do.
  • ✅ Learn about Chrome dev-tools.
  • 🎨 What is CSS?
  • 🎨 CSS basics.
  • 🎨 What is CSS media query?
  • 🎨 CSS selectors.
  • 🎨 CSS basic best practices.

# Step 3: Create while you learn CSS

# Days 11 - 12: Flexbox

# Apply

🏗️ Build Google index page and the search results page again using flexbox.

# Days 13 - 14: Design your first page

# Apply Continued from previous day

🏗️ Rebuild these 2 landing pages or any 2 landing pages of your choice:

Using CSS's flexbox and html only, you may skip interactive or too complex parts in these pages for now and focus more on mocking them as accurate as possible.

# Days 15 - 16: CSS Grid

  • 🎨 What is CSS grid?
  • 🎨 Difference between grid and flexbox?
  • 🎨 CSS grid basics.

🏗️ Build this page using css grid and flexbox:

# Step 4: Shortcut your CSS Journey

# Day 17: Learn a CSS framework

  • 🎨 What is a CSS framework?
  • 🎨 Why do we need a framework?
  • 🎨 What is Tailwind css?
  • 🎨 What is uitlity first approach?
  • 🎨 Why we design for mobile first then for large screens?

# Days 18 - 22: Learn TailwindCSS Basics

🏗️ Build the 2 landing pages you have built before in Days 10 - 11. Only this time using only Tailwind css Do not use vanilla css.

💥 After this point you'll be either burnt out, gave up and fail or you have the confidence to build your personal website. Don't.
let's move on...

# Step 5: Javascript

# Day 23-25: Before Learning Javascript

  • 🔌 What is Javascript?
  • 🔌 Why do we need it?
  • 🔌 How browsers read and parse javascript?
  • 🔌 Where do javascript works and run?
  • 🔌 Why there's so many javascript developers?
  • 🔌 Why do we need a javascript framework?
  • 🔌 What is modals?

# Days 25 - 35: Learn Javascript Basics

  • 🔌 Javascript basics.
  • 🔌 Javascript DOM manipulations.

# Days 26 - 30: Apply what you learned on javascript

  • 🏗️ Build Dropdown menus, modals, tab navigation using only vanilla javascript.
  • 🎨 Style them using Tailwindcss ☝

# Days 36 - 41: Advanced Javascript

  • 🔌 #javascript Event Listeners.
  • 🔌 ES6 features and syntax.
  • 🔌 Promises, Async/Await.
  • 🔌 "this" scopes.
  • 🔌 Import/Export modules.

# Step 6: Shortcut your JS Journey

# Days 42 - 44: Learn a minmal javascript framework

🏗️ Build models, menu drop-downs, taps and basic navigation using Alpinejs

# Days 45 - 50: Apply what you learned

🏗️ Rebuild these websites using tailwindcss and alpinejs.

# Days 51: What is Vuejs?

# Days 52 - 59: Vuejs Basics

  • ⚡️ Vuejs crash course (basics)
  • ⚡️ Vuejs advance course
  • ⚡️ Build simple Todo list app
  • ⚡️ Build any simple API-based fetch app like wether app
  • ⚡️ Style your apps using Tailwindcss

# Step 7: Database

# Day 60: Database concepts

  • 🛢️ What is database?
  • 🛢️ Why we need database?
  • 🛢️ SQL vs NoSQL?
  • 🛢️ What is sqlite databases?
  • 🔥 What is firebase?
  • 🔥 Introduction to Firebase.

# Days 61-70: Apply On Vuejs and firebase

🔥 Build Todo app using vuejs/tailwindcss/firebase.

# Step 8: Build this one project

# Days 70 - 85

This Step is essential for getting the job

  • 🏗️ Build this project (bug tracker app) using all of the technology you have learned.
  • 🛢️ Database/Backend using Firebase.
  • 🎨 Frontend using vuejs and Tailwindcss.

# Step 9: Build your website/resume

# Days 85 - 89

  • 🏗️ Build a simple CV/website using tailwind css to show case all of the website you have done earlier 🔥

# Step 10: Look for entry level jobs

# Day 90: Your last day must worth a while

Use this day to look on LinkedIn, Twitter or any job directory for an entry-level job here's some links that might help you:

# Congratulations 🔥🎉🥳

You just scratched the surface of the frontend development world, still you can land an intern/entry-level job.

Use the salary and the time to continue learning and evolving to the next level.

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Ahmed Nagi - Powerd By Vuepress . Hosted with GitHub and Netlify .