How I cracked PHP Tools for VS Code

How I cracked PHP Tools for VS Code

Educational Post
3 min read
Apr 18, 2020 10:20 PM (5 years ago)

Disclamer:This tutorial is for educational purposes only.

Last week I tried to unlock Intelephense here (opens new window), and I got positive results so why not try the same approach with PHP Tools (opens new window)?

Note: that I'm applying this on the current release 1.0.4, method names might change in upcoming releases, though the same principles applies.

So let's get started.

# Open Extensions folder Ctrl+p

Then navigate to "out/src/extention.js" file in "devsense.phptools-vscode" folder.

I recommend backup extention.js file before we continue.

# Open and reformat

This one is a little bit different from the last one (opens new window), there's no unminified TypeScript to guide us this time.

  • Disable any other php extension and enable PHP Tools only.
  • Open extention.js and use prettier to reformat the obscured code.
  • Search for "The license has been stored" you'll find this message inside the

function ne() is responsible for entering and receiving the code

// check if the user entered a valid key
function Ne() {
	return e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		let e = yield r.window.showInputBox({ prompt: J('promptText'), placeHolder: J('placeHolder'), ignoreFocusOut: !0 });
		if (e) {
          // n is the key
			let n = void 0;
          //... the rest of the function


Delete Ne() completely and Replace it with

// check if the user entered a valid key
function Ne() {
	return e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		let e = yield r.window.showInputBox({ prompt: J('promptText'), placeHolder: J('placeHolder'), ignoreFocusOut: !0 });

      if (e) {
          // n is a custom key returned in a json response
			let n = '{ "signature":"9A67311816caZfsGXE6TxeS4NyN2UkaQC"}';
        // ie function is responsible for storing the license
			yield Ie(n);


Be careful when deleting or editing obscured javascript code it can broke easily

Next: Ie(n) function, we only interested to change one line

function Ie(n) {
	return e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		try {
              // we intreseted to change this line only
				exports.o.globalState.update(H.p(ke) + '.' + g.userInfo().username, n),
              //... other code

I think this function is responsible for saving the key in the global state of the vscode's context

so we'll change only this one line

function Ie(n) {
	return e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		try {
              // change commented line
				//exports.o.globalState.update(H.p(ke) + '.' + g.userInfo().username, n),
              // to just your name and the key
              exports.o.globalState.update('Ahmed', n),

              //...other code

function Ke() Which I think is responsible for checking if the license is valid or expired

// check if the key is valid
function Ke() {
	return e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		let e = yield Fe();
		if (e) {
			var n = require(H.p(H.h))(g.userInfo().username) + '#' + e.license + '#' + e.expiration;
			return new (require(H.p(He)))(H.p(Y)).verify(n, e.signature, 'utf8', 'base64')
				? (yield Je(e))
					? K.Expired // return expired flag
					: K.Valid // return valid flag
				: K.Invalid; // return invalid flag
		return K.Missing; // return missing flag

We are interested in returning the Valid flag only from this function, so no matter what the key we enter it will be considered a valid key.

// simple enough we're returning only the valid flag
function Ke() {
	return e(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
		return K.Valid;
  • Save and reload vscode
  • ctrl+p
  • type activatein the command palette and choose PHP Tools
  • Enter this fake key "9A67311816caZfsGXE6TxeS4NyN2UkaQC"

And you'll should be fine.

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Ahmed Nagi - Powerd By Vuepress . Hosted with GitHub and Netlify .