Add Custom Topbar to Filament

Add Custom Topbar to Filament

Add a custom livewire component to Filament's topbar that fetches data from the database
3 min read
Nov 30, 2024 4:00 PM (3 hours ago)

In this snippet, I'll share with you how I added a custom livewire component to Filament's topbar, it's pretty simple and can add a lot of value to your application.

In this example, I needed to add links to the topbar to navigate favorite pages/resources.

Here's a quick look at the final result:

Custom Topbar

# Step 1: Create a Livewire Component

First, let's create a new Livewire component that will be responsible for rendering the custom topbar.

php artisan make:livewire Topbar/FavoriteResources

This command will create a new Livewire component in the app/Http/Livewire/Topbar directory.

Since we need to render the custom topbar in the topbar, we need to hook into PanelsRenderHook::TOPBAR_START render hook.

# Step 2: Hook into Filament's Topbar Render Hook

In the panel provider AdminPanelProvider.php, or AppPanelProvider.php if you're using a custom panel provider, add the following code:

    use Filament\Panel;
    use Filament\View\PanelsRenderHook;

    public function panel(Panel $panel): Panel
        return $panel->renderHook(name: PanelsRenderHook::TOPBAR_START, hook: fn (): string => Blade::render('@livewire(\'topbar.favorite-resources\')'));

Blade::render('@livewire(\'topbar.favorite-resources\')') will render the Livewire component in the topbar.

# Step 3: Add the Livewire Component to the Topbar

In the Livewire component app/Http/Livewire/Topbar/FavoriteResources.php, add the following code:

class FavoriteResources extends Component
    public array $favorites;

    public function mount()
         * @var User
        $user = Auth::user();

        // We are using cache to get the favorite resources because this component will be rendered on every page load
        $this->favorites = collect(
            Cache::get(sprintf(FavoriteResource::$cacheKey, $user->id),
            ->transform(function (array $favorite) {
                // Favorite['name'] is the name of the resource we need to get the class from the container
                $class = app($favorite['name']);
                $name = $class instanceof Resource ? $class::getTitleCaseModelLabel() : $class->getTitle();
                $icon = $class::getNavigationIcon();

                return [
                    'name' => $name,
                    'url' => $class::getUrl(),
                    'icon' => $icon,

    public function render()
        return view('livewire.topbar.favorite-resources');

Regrading this line of code:

$name = $class instanceof Resource ? $class::getTitleCaseModelLabel() : $class->getTitle();

This line will handle the case if the user favorite a resource class or a custom page.

in the resources/views/livewire/topbar/favorite-resources.blade.php file, add the following code:

    <div class="items-center hidden gap-x-3 lg:flex">
        @if (count($favorites) > 0)
            <span class="text-sm font-semibold text-gray-700 dark:text-gray-100">
                {{ __('Quick Links') }}

            <div class="flex items-center gap-x-5">
                @foreach ($favorites as $favorite)
                    <x-filament::icon-button tag="a" size="xl" :tooltip="$favorite['name']" :icon="$favorite['icon']" :href="$favorite['url']"></x-filament::icon-button>

FavoriteResource is a model that stores the favorite resources for the user, you can create a migration for it like this:

php artisan make:model FavoriteResource -m

and in the migration file, add the following code:

    public function up()
        Schema::create('favorite_resources', function (Blueprint $table) {

and in the FavoriteResource model, add the following code:

    public static string $cacheKey = 'favorite-resources:%s';

    protected $guarded = [];

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class);

# Step 4: Add the Favorite Button to the Resource

I liked to add a favorite button to the resource page, so the user can easily favorite the resource.

Favorite Button


This is a custom action that will be added to the resource page or any custom page you want to add the favorite button to.

This a simple implementation to just demonstrate the idea, you can make it more complex and add more features to it.

namespace App\Actions\FilamentActions;

use App\Models\FavoriteResource;
use App\Models\User;
use Filament\Actions\Action;

class FavoriteResourceAction extends Action
    protected string $class;

    public static function getDefaultName(): ?string
        return 'favorite_resource';

    public function className(string $class): static
        $this->class = $class;

        return $this;

    public function getClassName(): string
        return $this->class;

    protected function setUp(): void

            ->tooltip(__('Toggle this screen as a favorite to access it quickly from the topbar.'))
            ->icon(fn () => FavoriteResource::isFavorite($this->getClassName()) ? 'heroicon-s-star' : 'heroicon-o-star')
            ->action(function (Action $action, $livewire) {

                // add notification

                // refresh the page to update the favorite button

This action will toggle the favorite status of the resource, and refresh the page to update the favorite button.

Stay tuned for more Filament snippets and tutorials.

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Ahmed Nagi - Powerd By Vuepress . Hosted with GitHub and Netlify .